Author: Oleg Walks

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Walking in Bender (5 March)

Walking in Bender (5 March)

Today I travelled in marshrutka to Bender, Transnistria by businesses and on the way back made filming on one of main Bender streets with incredible view on shops, building, natives and native playing street music behind of center of city. This is my preparation for long walk in this street which be very soon during...

Walking in Tiraspol (27 February)

Walking in Tiraspol (27 February)

It’s amazing but in it incredible a little bit warm day made decision for filming where began filming in the central city beach, however in the end of February it’s not season, and season with May till the beginning of September, and finished in the 1 of street’s near of maternity hospital. During filming can...

Walking in Parcani (continuation)

Walking in Parcani (continuation)

Of course, with big interest show main Orthodox temple, USSR monuments. It’s the most first time I ever walking in Parcani. ************************************************************ Please Like, Subscribe, and Share! Grab a cup of coffee, put on your walking shoes, and join me as we explore the sites and streets of my home country of Pridnestrovie (a place...


Walking in Parcani (23 February)

Parcani, Transnistria is a mostly Bulgarian village because the first migrants from Bulgaria came on 1806 and had continued from 1811-1817 years to current times. Filming passing through main street of Parcani village with an incredible view on house’s, shops, 2 supermarket and mini park. Hope you like it Parcani village in which lives far...


Exploring Tiraspol. Walking tour through main downtown streets of Transnistria capital

Today after got new experience of keeziwalks and 4K Urban Life with an incredible interests showed all the necessary streets of Tiraspol beginning at 25 October, and continued through Karl-Liebknecht Street and Karl Marx Street with an incredible view on downtown, bakery, shops, coffee shops, 2 Orthodox churches, University and all overs including Lake Park...

Walking on 25 October street of Tiraspol

Walking on 25 October street of Tiraspol

With big please show on 4K quantity Tiraspol city through filming in the center. Hope you like Tiraspol. ************************************************************ Please Like, Subscribe, and Share! Grab a cup of coffee, put on your walking shoes, and join me as we explore the sites and streets of my home country of Pridnestrovie (a place most of you...

Walking in Tiraspol (26 November) 1st snow day

Walking in Tiraspol (26 November) 1st snow day

The first snow of the season here in Tiraspol, Transnistria!  It’s on too strong way super cold, that my fingers almost not died. In any case was interesting walking 7 minutes till supermarket Sheriff during snowing. ************************************************************ Please Like, Subscribe, and Share! Grab a cup of coffee, put on your walking shoes, and join me...

Zapadniy district of Tiraspol, Transnistria

Walking in Zapadniy District of Tiraspol (23 November)

Hello. In this super cold day was made this filming in district Zapadniy of Tiraspol with views in some shops, mini shops, college of commerce, uptown and this filming in the end of this district near Sheriff supermarket. ************************************************************ Please Like, Subscribe, and Share! Grab a cup of coffee, put on your walking shoes, and...

Walking in Chițcani ( 14 November )

Walking in Chițcani ( 14 November )

Definitely unusual rain spoiled filming and as I don’t know to water fall on mobile, I should stop filming. Filming passing through main Chitcani village downtown with view on some shops, coffee shops, monument of Great Patriotic War etc. Thanks for watching. ************************************************************ Please Like, Subscribe, and Share! Grab a cup of coffee, put on...

November walking tour in Tiraspol city

November walking tour in Tiraspol city

Hello. This is my first walking in Tiraspol in November. Filming begins in Baradinka district, Pravda Street and finishing in Karl-Liebknecht Street. During filming could see some shops, coffee shops, and of course deep Autumn. Extra thanks for helping of without that it filming will be would impossible – Kees Colijn – Alex Potterill –...