Author: Oleg Walks

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Walking tour in Chisinau city 2021 (August)

Walking tour in Chisinau city 2021 (August)

Hello. This is video walking tour i made yesterday in 10 Aygust, when i begane in the central parks with view on the temple and trees, and finished somewhere far in city. Walking tour pass thruogh downtown with inceddible views on the buildings and of course Robot Xiaomi from Chin regiving hi/hello to all you...

Early morning walking in Tiraspol beach (7:07 a.m.)

Early morning walking in Tiraspol beach (7:07 a.m.)

Hi, this filming is early morning in 7:07 i always dreamt made, because energy of early morning real increddible like life CI energy accordingly of chinese phylosofy. I so happy fliming in this city beach of this early morning, what it no regive of emotion.For all year because of inner circumstanses i visited 5 times...


Morning walking in Tiraspol beach

Hello, this is morning walking video in main Tiraspol beach, where i show nature, river and forest, with morning talk with river beach cost guard after 8:30 a.m.Next video i made till 7:15 a.m.


Morning walking in Tiraspol beach

Hello, this is morning walking video in main Tiraspol beach, where i show nature, river and forest, with morning talk with river beach cost guard after 8:30 a.m.Next video i made till 7:15 a.m.

Walking on 2 Tiraspol beaches (Afternoon)

Walking on 2 Tiraspol beaches (Afternoon)

Hello, this is video walking tour was made on 2 beach, beginning video walk on the beach near bridge beach and finishing on the main city central beach with increddible landsgape on the nature of river and forest.It walking tour was somewhere in afternoon with 13:00 till 14:30.

Walking in Grigriopol (Pridnestrovie )

Walking in Grigriopol (Pridnestrovie )

Grigriopol sit. from 40 munites from Tiraspol. Yesterday specially for all you filmed video walking tour in Grigriopol. Walking tour beginning in the center crossing shops, supermarkets, very beautiful buildings of european style and finishing in the end of city in the park. During filming i talk with 1 native, who relax on the bycicle,...

Walking in Tiraspol (July)

Walking in Tiraspol (July)

Hello Dear friends, dear views I try be your virtual proxi travel guide in Pridnestrovie cities. This is my walking tour in 15 July, during walking i show you new center park,with view on a small lake. Walking tour begining in Pravda str., crossing thruogh park, where i talk with Tiraspol native people and finish...