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漢語 嗨親愛的朋友們。 非常大的請練習我的普通話。我希望你喜歡我的頻道。我會說俄語,英語,中文,廣東話,和一點點日語。13年前我學到了中文. 新年快樂!)祝你有一快的一健康!)歡迎來到德涅斯特河沿岸。我的蒂拉斯波爾市每年都會接待來自中國的遊客。我很高興在蒂拉斯波爾市見到你。它每年都在這裡溫暖到十月。朋友們很高興認識你 !)))祝你有美好的一天!新年快樂,聖誕快樂,春節快樂! — 粵語/廣東話 嗨,啲朋友。 美好嘅一日。我嘅名係奥列格。我係俄羅斯人,住喺德涅斯特河左岸嘅蒂拉斯波尔市。我會說俄語,英語,普通話,廣東話和一點日語。 用非常大嘅懇求練習我嘅粵語技能。 新年快樂!粵語僅次於普通話我學到了直到2009年.我特別鍾意喺蒂拉斯波尔市練習漢語同粵語方言,與來自中國同香港嘅遊客交流。如果你將來訪問蒂拉斯波尔市,我可以成為你嘅導遊,呢度有好多酒店同餐館。朋友新年快樂,聖誕快樂,春節快樂! — 日本語 こんにちは友達。はじめまして!)土蔵宜しくお願いします!))))) 愛と尊敬をお願いします! これは私のYouTubeチャンネルで、中国語、広東語、そしてもちろん日本語の3つの言語を同時に練習しています。私自身はロシア語で、トランスニストリアに住んでいて、ロシア語、英語、中国語、広東語、そして少し日本語を話します。私はあなたの友達になりたいです、私は日本が好きです、日本はとても美しい国です!友達-みなさん、明けましておめでとうございます!

Walking in Tiraspol (Happy New Year tour + Market )

Walking in Tiraspol (Happy New Year tour + Market )

Hello. By God blessing today i made special for all you Happy New Year Walking tour in Tiraspol. In reality this past tour, because i really tired and decided till 15 rest, after 14 Marth i will continue filming in Pridnestrovian cities, if and be video filming it be short on 3/10 munites, no more.Filming...

Hello from Oleg and Welcome in Pridnestrovie

Hello from Oleg and Welcome in Pridnestrovie

Hello friends thank you very much for your subscription. Obregado ) Gracias ) This is my big hello for all the world from Pridnestrovie.My new airphones alao welcone you like me ! Next video be call Greetings from Oleg.My the most best photo stars. Wish you have s great day !

Walking inside New Tiraspol Trade Center

Walking inside New Tiraspol Trade Center

Happaned the most inceddible opened new Trade Center, which built with 2013 by 2021 year. With unbelieveable please special for all you walking there 1 munite and 7 seconds.Worker stuff i said, that i made video on memory.

Walking in Tiraspol (December/New Trade Center)

Walking in Tiraspol (December/New Trade Center)

Hello. This is my December video walking tour beginning in The Tiraspol Univercity with view on new current time building Orthodox temple,and passing thruogh all center street with different shops, cafees, tourist agences, and of course New Trade Center by which was made walking tour, where can see caffees,where can easy drink cafee, shops, and...

Walking in Tiraspol (November)

Walking in Tiraspol (November)

Hello Dear friends, dear subscribers, dear views thank you very much for your attention to the chanel.I ,m real apreciate it. And today specially for all the world audition i made new video walking tour in Tiraspol city. Filming begane in the center 25 October str. with view on new Trade center and finished in...



親愛的中國朋友嗨,你好。很高興見到你, 這是我第一次在我的小米紅米筆記 10 上用中文打招呼視頻。正如我沒有注意到我的另一個相機在想什麼在 1080HD, 如第一次錄製視頻在其他相機看著我, 視頻問候在 720HD。謝謝。下一個視頻你好中文, 粵語和日語尚未在 1080 年是周。


散步在蒂拉斯波爾.我識講粵語. 德涅斯特河沿岸2021.

你好.我嘅名係噢咧 .我會說粵語.蒂拉斯波爾係我嘅本國成市。步行透過所有中心,餐廳,大學,大學城公園,未來貿易中心內,並喺噴泉上以不可踰越嘅景色結束。我希望你中意提拉斯波尔.這係我第一次喺提拉斯波尔市散步,喺嗰度我講粵語. 我歡迎你!多謝!))) — Yes, i in reality speak cantonese, but as as my NJStar keybord very bad work on my computer i used for translating with english to cantonese.