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散步在蒂拉斯波爾.我識講粵語. 德涅斯特河沿岸2021.

你好.我嘅名係噢咧 .我會說粵語.蒂拉斯波爾係我嘅本國成市。步行透過所有中心,餐廳,大學,大學城公園,未來貿易中心內,並喺噴泉上以不可踰越嘅景色結束。我希望你中意提拉斯波尔.這係我第一次喺提拉斯波尔市散步,喺嗰度我講粵語. 我歡迎你!多謝!))) — Yes, i in reality speak cantonese, but as as my NJStar keybord very bad work on my computer i used for translating with english to cantonese.

New October Walking tour near with the center and the Dniestr river

New October Walking tour near with the center and the Dniestr river

This is walking tour passing thruogh all road with view on the Dniestr river. Of course if would not be music be would more times interesting. The only case by which i try avoid meeting with music, this is automatickly attribution on my channel by youtube, that i steel music, but i dont still the...

Walking in Bender (Pridnestrovie)

Walking in Bender (Pridnestrovie)

The Bender city this is border city with Moldova country with population 83 000, where speak on russian and moldavian ( romanian same ). Walking tour passing thruogh central marker, all center wih streets, shops and park, where current time happenning full city road reconstruction.Old title of city is Thigina, because 600 years ago here...

New September walking tour in Tiraspol streets

New September walking tour in Tiraspol streets

27 September i made for all you unique walking tour in the end districts of Tiraspol city with view on the strrets, supermarkets, shops, country stadium with totel and the pool. Walking tour finidhing in the park with increddible view on lake.In the end of filiming i talk with natives telling them, that i,m youtube...

September walking tour in Tiraspol city 2021

September walking tour in Tiraspol city 2021

Hello today after the most past visiting dantist i made walking tour in Tiraspol city, where begane in Kirov park with increddible view on the trees and the Orthodox/Christian monastery and passed thruogh Carl-Libkneht str., center green marker/mercado and finished in new central city park with on lake and walking road.

Driving by car through all Rybnitsa district

Driving by car through all Rybnitsa district

Hello. When I was back on bus 9 September in Tiraspol I decided specially for all you show the beauty of Pridnestrovie nature. As can see a lot of fields, nature, forests and yet lake. I hope you like nature of my country. Rightly in bus switched on very old USSR movie, and it hearing...

Walking in Rîbnițsa (downtown)

Walking in Rîbnițsa (downtown)

Hello. As as i did not hurry all catched 9 September, i desided else once visited this city to show all downtown. Walking tour passing thruogh all downtown including the center, the center parks, fountain,downtown streets with shops,main Ribnitsa hotel and movietheatr ,,Enigma”. Yes, i very planned what be sunny like 9 September, but was...