Tag: bender

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Walking in Varnitsa

Walking in Varnitsa

Today when finished self deals special for all you made this first in life video walking tour in Varnitsa village city, which strightly near Bender city

Walking in Tiraspol ( 9 September)

Walking in Tiraspol ( 9 September)

Yet Autumn September. Walking tour pass through different Tiraspol streets. Filming begane in Carl-Libkneht street and pass through central beach, downtown, Larrilnova street and finish at Star ferry.

Walking in Bender ( 1 July )

Walking in Bender ( 1 July )

Hello. This is new walking tour begane in the downtown passing thruogh new fountain park, new center umbrella park, shops Orthodox church, marker and finishing in the Bender beach, where a lot if testing people. Especially incredible was calm down on the beach, by new stairs.

Walking in Bender (4 June )

Walking in Bender (4 June )

This is 4 June filming begin in old Turkish fortress passing thruogh park and finishing on the Bender beach, where in current day a lot of relaxing, rest, and swimming natives of Bender.Hope you liked this place !)

Walking in Tiraspol (Happy New Year tour + Market )

Walking in Tiraspol (Happy New Year tour + Market )

Hello. By God blessing today i made special for all you Happy New Year Walking tour in Tiraspol. In reality this past tour, because i really tired and decided till 15 rest, after 14 Marth i will continue filming in Pridnestrovian cities, if and be video filming it be short on 3/10 munites, no more.Filming...