Tag: Center

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Walking inside New Tiraspol Trade Center

Walking inside New Tiraspol Trade Center

Happaned the most inceddible opened new Trade Center, which built with 2013 by 2021 year. With unbelieveable please special for all you walking there 1 munite and 7 seconds.Worker stuff i said, that i made video on memory.

Walking in Tiraspol (December/New Trade Center)

Walking in Tiraspol (December/New Trade Center)

Hello. This is my December video walking tour beginning in The Tiraspol Univercity with view on new current time building Orthodox temple,and passing thruogh all center street with different shops, cafees, tourist agences, and of course New Trade Center by which was made walking tour, where can see caffees,where can easy drink cafee, shops, and...

New October Walking tour near with the center and the Dniestr river

New October Walking tour near with the center and the Dniestr river

This is walking tour passing thruogh all road with view on the Dniestr river. Of course if would not be music be would more times interesting. The only case by which i try avoid meeting with music, this is automatickly attribution on my channel by youtube, that i steel music, but i dont still the...

1 minute video of Tiraspol center with fountain

1 minute video of Tiraspol center with fountain

Hello. Specially for all you I filmed 1:33 minute of the center of Tiraspol with view on fountain and new Trade Center, which open this year. I asked security, they told me: yes, all be open this year. I was too happy knew of it incredible news. Wish you have a Great day!

1 munite video of Tiraspol center with fountain

1 munite video of Tiraspol center with fountain

Hello. Speccially fir all you i filmed 1:33 munite of the center iof Tiraspok with view on fountation and new Trade Center, which open this year. I asked security, they said me: yes, all be open this year.I was too happy knew of it increddible news. Wish yiou have a Great day !

Walking in Tiraspol (from center till the park) part 1

Walking in Tiraspol (from center till the park) part 1

Hello. Video walking belong thruogh all center with view on center park. Its my first walk WHICH unussual stoped, because very suddenly phone falled on my arm fingers, and did put buttom finish video.I was shoked, all happened, when i did sit to copple seconds rest.Strightly after it continue walk.