Tag: Dniestr

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New October Walking tour near with the center and the Dniestr river

New October Walking tour near with the center and the Dniestr river

This is walking tour passing thruogh all road with view on the Dniestr river. Of course if would not be music be would more times interesting. The only case by which i try avoid meeting with music, this is automatickly attribution on my channel by youtube, that i steel music, but i dont still the...

Walking in Rybnițsa Dniestr river park and seafront (Pridnestrovie)

Walking in Rybnițsa Dniestr river park and seafront (Pridnestrovie)

Increddible walking tour pass thruogh uptown and finishing in the Dniestr river part with unbelievable view on the river and the side where situate Moldova territory. Its all remind like Blagoveshensk and Heihe, and also border in Detroit with Canada. But view of real increddible beauty ! During filming i ask natives, how near situate...

Walking tour in Dniestr river forest ( Pridnestrovie )

Walking tour in Dniestr river forest ( Pridnestrovie )

Hello, this is my walking tour in Tiraspol forest i made in 14in Satturday, but because of very big risk of attack of increddible evil dog i stopped filming on 30 munite. By walking i talked with 2 Tiraspol native girls, who said me, that not far walk increddible evil dog, and i so scared...

Walking tour thruogh grass park and second Tiraspol beach

Walking tour thruogh grass park and second Tiraspol beach

Hi, this video walking tour i made 1 week ago, i begane in grass park, psassing thruogh grass field, and finished on the second Tiraspol beach under the bridge. Yes, because of strong grass was very difficult walk thruogh tall grass, but despite on it i crossed it grass and came on the Tiraspol beach.

Walking on 2 Tiraspol beaches (Afternoon)

Walking on 2 Tiraspol beaches (Afternoon)

Hello, this is video walking tour was made on 2 beach, beginning video walk on the beach near bridge beach and finishing on the main city central beach with increddible landsgape on the nature of river and forest.It walking tour was somewhere in afternoon with 13:00 till 14:30.

Walking in Dniestr river beach (720HD testing)

Walking in Dniestr river beach (720HD testing)

Hello. As as the zise of 720HD on camera of Xiami Redmi Note 10 such as 1080HD have no sence flimng on 720HD. It video the only video on 720HD, and other video yet no be. In it video i talk with natives trying catch fish.