Tag: February

Home / February
Walking in Tiraspol (27 February)

Walking in Tiraspol (27 February)

It’s amazing but in it incredible a little bit warm day made decision for filming where began filming in the central city beach, however in the end of February it’s not season, and season with May till the beginning of September, and finished in the 1 of street’s near of maternity hospital. During filming can...


Walking in Parcani (23 February)

Parcani, Transnistria is a mostly Bulgarian village because the first migrants from Bulgaria came on 1806 and had continued from 1811-1817 years to current times. Filming passing through main street of Parcani village with an incredible view on house’s, shops, 2 supermarket and mini park. Hope you like it Parcani village in which lives far...

Walking tour in Tiraspol (7 February)

Walking tour in Tiraspol (7 February)

As not amazing today 7 February was made first filming in this year. Of course, straightly after first second of any music 🎶 during walking were stops, by avoid any attributions. This today 7 February walking its preparing to the BIGGEST 3/4 hours walking which be yet in June of 2023 by example of such...