Tag: Market

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Walking in central market of Bender city

Walking in central market of Bender city

Definitely with big pleasure I decided to show all of you the main market of Bender city. Everywhere a lot of people who selling different products. If you need fresh vegetables, flowers, meat, fish, honey, or clothes and used car parts, shop the Bender Central Market! To get to know any town and “get the...

Walking in Tiraspol (Happy New Year tour + Market )

Walking in Tiraspol (Happy New Year tour + Market )

Hello. By God blessing today i made special for all you Happy New Year Walking tour in Tiraspol. In reality this past tour, because i really tired and decided till 15 rest, after 14 Marth i will continue filming in Pridnestrovian cities, if and be video filming it be short on 3/10 munites, no more.Filming...