Yes, this is 1st shord video with view on the Monstery when i visited 2 July of this year.
Tag: monastery
Walking in the monastery (summer /birds sing )
Yesterday visited mnastery. Its here in Moldova country. Was made video in morning. Everywhere summer and sing birds + trees. Have a good day !
Walking in Monastery (Cickane/Moldova)
Hi friends. Spessially for all you created for 2 munites video of monastery in Moldova country. I hope you like !
Walking in village
Hi yesterday i was in the Monastery, snd beforwe it i made spessially for you a little village video, to you can see.
Part 2 Afternoon relax walking on the Black Sea beach.
Hi. This is my second video of this increddible walking on the Black sea on afternoon. You can see waves and a lot of relax people and of course girls.
Walking in Chisinau ( Moldova ) 歩くでキシナウ (モルドバ)
Hello/hi. Yesterday 8 Sep. i again was in Chisinau and decided show all you, this one of the most fantastic cities oif the world. I visit Chisinau in the week of American days in Moldova, thats why a lot of tourists from United States walked yesterday, and i near pictures art i talked with Texas...
Cat ! Caaat ! Caaaaaaaaaaat ! CAAAT ! Flying monastery super caaaaaaaaat !
Hi yesterday 22 July have been in my monastery and made video of scared flying cat, caat, caaaaat, caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ! This cat blessing you !)
Утренняя прогулка по Свято-Вознесенскому Ново-Нямецкому монастырю
Всем добрый день. Это невероятно вчера побывал в монастыре и специально для Вас показал всю благодать этого места. Особенно на драку голубей обратил внимание. Приятного всем просмотра.
Emma UK tourist from London like Cickane Monastery (Moldova)
Hello. Yesterday, when i was in the Noul Nymec Monaster implement obidience of my country, i met Emma from London. She said: ” I very like it monastery.Nice to meet you. Thank you !”.
Свято-Вознесенский монастырь в Молдове
Всем привет ! Вчера побывал в монастыре и специально для сделал видео экскурсию по монастырю во время утренней службы с видами на село Кицканы. Желаю всем приятного просмотра !)