Tag: Park

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Walking in Park  Pobeda/Victory of Tiraspol ( 5 October)

Walking in Park Pobeda/Victory of Tiraspol ( 5 October)

Of course, special for all you from all over the world as yesterday to me came this idea today walking in Park Pobeda/ Victory (Victory Park) of Tiraspol city. With big pleasure show unique photos of this place, including the statue of Kotovsky in this zone rest and relax. Also, on the territory of Park...

Walking in Tiraspol central park

Walking in Tiraspol central park

Hi, this is my walking tour was made yesterday 4 August passing through all new central Ekaterina 2 park, downtown and finishing in the other end of the Dniestr river, but camera 📷 unwaitedly stoped as as because of tiring i dud put on the end. Else 1 munites be finising after this video.

Walking in Rybnițsa Dniestr river park and seafront (Pridnestrovie)

Walking in Rybnițsa Dniestr river park and seafront (Pridnestrovie)

Increddible walking tour pass thruogh uptown and finishing in the Dniestr river part with unbelievable view on the river and the side where situate Moldova territory. Its all remind like Blagoveshensk and Heihe, and also border in Detroit with Canada. But view of real increddible beauty ! During filming i ask natives, how near situate...

Walking tour thruogh grass park and second Tiraspol beach

Walking tour thruogh grass park and second Tiraspol beach

Hi, this video walking tour i made 1 week ago, i begane in grass park, psassing thruogh grass field, and finished on the second Tiraspol beach under the bridge. Yes, because of strong grass was very difficult walk thruogh tall grass, but despite on it i crossed it grass and came on the Tiraspol beach.

June Walking Tour in New Bender Park and the Beach 2021

June Walking Tour in New Bender Park and the Beach 2021

Hello this is walking tour I made somewhere after 15 June in Bender city Transnistria. Yes, tour beginning in new tourists object, crossing park, church, with incredible views on old Turkish wall, where I planned for 25 rubles walked, but as tickets stuff no worked, I canceled walking there, and incredible landscapes on the beach....

Walking in Tiraspol (from center till the park) part 1

Walking in Tiraspol (from center till the park) part 1

Hello. Video walking belong thruogh all center with view on center park. Its my first walk WHICH unussual stoped, because very suddenly phone falled on my arm fingers, and did put buttom finish video.I was shoked, all happened, when i did sit to copple seconds rest.Strightly after it continue walk.