Tag: Ribnitsa

Home / Ribnitsa
Walking in Ribnitsa

Walking in Ribnitsa

With very big pleasure I show in the most past time show for all of you Rybnitsa city, Transnistria because filming in Rybnitsa on it time was in the most PAST time. Filming passing through all downtown with beginning after the main bridge and passing through main downtown streets with incredible views on shop’s, coffee...

Walking in Taşlîc ( 8 September)

Walking in Taşlîc ( 8 September)

Of course, walking in Taşlîc very interesting, because changing contrast with village on landscapes of those side were Moldova village. Walking pass through all Taşlîc village, with incredible views on landscapes, tree’s, houses, 2 shops. Of course, its main highway Tiraspol -Ribnitsa. ************************************************************ Please Like, Subscribe, and Share! Grab a cup of coffee, put on...

Walking in Ribnitsa ( 18 July )

Walking in Ribnitsa ( 18 July )

Hi, yesterday I made past walking tour in Ribnitsa with downtown till the city beach. Filming pass around new park, fountain, main Orthodox temple, midtown where in not small mountains lives natives, market, and of course new riverfront with view on Moldova Rezina city on other side of Dniester river. And on the beach can...

Walking in Tiraspol ( Pravda and Borodinka )

Walking in Tiraspol ( Pravda and Borodinka )

Hello. This is my the most first February video walking tour in this year in Tiraspol city. Walking tour pass through Pravda and Baradinka districts with view on houses where live natives, shops, coffee shops,garages, and view on forest with up. Hope you like Tiraspol.

Walking in Rîbnițsa (downtown)

Walking in Rîbnițsa (downtown)

Hello. As as i did not hurry all catched 9 September, i desided else once visited this city to show all downtown. Walking tour passing thruogh all downtown including the center, the center parks, fountain,downtown streets with shops,main Ribnitsa hotel and movietheatr ,,Enigma”. Yes, i very planned what be sunny like 9 September, but was...

Virtual Walking Tour in Rybnitsa. 9 September 2021 (North capital)

Virtual Walking Tour in Rybnitsa. 9 September 2021 (North capital)

Rybnitsa is North Pridnestrovien capital with 50 000 population. Distance from Tiraspol till Rybnitsa if drive on bus 128 km, 2 hours 30 munites. Filming beginning near with autobus station passing thruogh uptown, city market and finishing in the downtown. Europe style of beauty of Rybnitsa buildings 1 of all on what i looked attention....