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Exploring Tiraspol. Walking tour through main downtown streets of Transnistria capital

Exploring Tiraspol. Walking tour through main downtown streets of Transnistria capital

Today after got new experience of keeziwalks and 4K Urban Life with an incredible interests showed all the necessary streets of Tiraspol beginning at 25 October, and continued through Karl-Liebknecht Street and Karl Marx Street with an incredible view on downtown, bakery, shops, coffee shops, 2 Orthodox churches, University and all overs including Lake Park...

Walking tour in Tiraspol (7 February)

Walking tour in Tiraspol (7 February)

As not amazing today 7 February was made first filming in this year. Of course, straightly after first second of any music 🎶 during walking were stops, by avoid any attributions. This today 7 February walking its preparing to the BIGGEST 3/4 hours walking which be yet in June of 2023 by example of such...

Walking tour with city sounds – Tiraspol, Pridnestrovie (November)

Walking tour with city sounds – Tiraspol, Pridnestrovie (November)

With very big please show all you in 2st November Tiraspol city. Walking tour begin in the Pravda street, and passing through the center near green market trees park, with view on the trees, new music hall Celebration Center, Soviet/Sovetskaya/Sovechka street, new Orthodox monastery in the Kirov park,also with view on the temple, bells, also...

Walking in Tiraspol (Happy New Year tour + Market )

Walking in Tiraspol (Happy New Year tour + Market )

Hello. By God blessing today i made special for all you Happy New Year Walking tour in Tiraspol. In reality this past tour, because i really tired and decided till 15 rest, after 14 Marth i will continue filming in Pridnestrovian cities, if and be video filming it be short on 3/10 munites, no more.Filming...

New October Walking tour near with the center and the Dniestr river

New October Walking tour near with the center and the Dniestr river

This is walking tour passing thruogh all road with view on the Dniestr river. Of course if would not be music be would more times interesting. The only case by which i try avoid meeting with music, this is automatickly attribution on my channel by youtube, that i steel music, but i dont still the...

New September walking tour in Tiraspol streets

New September walking tour in Tiraspol streets

27 September i made for all you unique walking tour in the end districts of Tiraspol city with view on the strrets, supermarkets, shops, country stadium with totel and the pool. Walking tour finidhing in the park with increddible view on lake.In the end of filiming i talk with natives telling them, that i,m youtube...

September walking tour in Tiraspol city 2021

September walking tour in Tiraspol city 2021

Hello today after the most past visiting dantist i made walking tour in Tiraspol city, where begane in Kirov park with increddible view on the trees and the Orthodox/Christian monastery and passed thruogh Carl-Libkneht str., center green marker/mercado and finished in new central city park with on lake and walking road.

Virtual Walking Tour in Rybnitsa. 9 September 2021 (North capital)

Virtual Walking Tour in Rybnitsa. 9 September 2021 (North capital)

Rybnitsa is North Pridnestrovien capital with 50 000 population. Distance from Tiraspol till Rybnitsa if drive on bus 128 km, 2 hours 30 munites. Filming beginning near with autobus station passing thruogh uptown, city market and finishing in the downtown. Europe style of beauty of Rybnitsa buildings 1 of all on what i looked attention....