Oleg’s Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) Videos

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Walking in Varnitsa

Walking in Varnitsa

With a good mood walking in Varnitsa village near with Bender city. Filming passing through an incredible view on small...

Walking in Stroiesti (part 2)

Walking in Stroiesti (part 2)

With an incredible pleasure continue filming in this too of incredible beauty place. Filming began in the Orthodox temple of...

Walking in Stroiești (Part 1)

Walking in Stroiești (Part 1)

With incredible pleasure show Stroiești village, where have begun in highway on Camenca city, and walked during from highway till...

Walking in Bender (5 March)

Walking in Bender (5 March)

Today I travelled in marshrutka to Bender, Transnistria by businesses and on the way back made filming on one of...

Walking in Parcani (23 February)

Walking in Parcani (23 February)

Parcani, Transnistria is a mostly Bulgarian village because the first migrants from Bulgaria came on 1806 and had continued from...