Walking in Stroenci (21 May) 2024

Walking in Stroenci (21 May) 2024

This is relaxing video walking tour began straightly on the mountain and at the Tower of Winds and then calm down by the trail till the small houses of natives at the mountain and passing through small forest, and by the road with an incredible view on too small almost river stream, some restaurants, and yet another houses on the this second road with which falling in the center of Stroenci, and then can see some shop, a little bit park with statue of foundation of village and walking if finishing behind of forest .
The village Stroenci situating in 22 km from the North capital of Transnistria with population almost of 1000. And on top the hill allows to enjoy simply incredible views of both the village of Stroentsy and the outskirts of Moldova itself on the other side of the Dniester River.

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#rybnitsa district
#tower of winds


This video sponsored by: 

– Andrew Cunningham
– Alex Chernov
– Roberto Cocchi

#Walking #Stroenci

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