Walking in Yagorlyk (21 August)

Walking in Yagorlyk (21 August)

In past time visited this beautiful place too again filming those places which yet did not hurry filming last week. Of course, planned climb on the mountain, but as Yagorlyk Reserve team phone support lied me by phone on Friday I could not achieve this mountain, so yet next year with native Goyan guide I be plan it. Walking pass round through all Yagorlyk and begin in Yagorlyk reserve and cross in small Yagorlyk village, but as have opportunity of appearing of some digs, I am leaving this area and direct in the forest Yagorlyk area with incredible view on forest, trees, and course lake, where under some bridge rest and swimming some Transnistria natives, where and finishing this filming in the relaxing and rest area of Yagorlyk for resting, relaxing and swimming.

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This video made possible by the help and support of:

Alex Chernov


#Walking #Yagorlyk #August

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