Hello this is part 2 of this unique video of Dniestr river with photos of increddible landsgapes and the boat with fisherman.
Tag: part
Dniestr river view. Part 1.
Dniestr river reging to you hi and hello. On the middle of river can see small fish boat for ctach fish. Wish you have a Great day !
Walking in Tiraspol ( Pridniestrovie Anniversary Day) part 3
Yes, in this 3 part i made 30 munites round thruogh the center beginning from center and finishing near Starferry with INCREDDIBLE view on the Dniestr river. Hope you like this video,
Walking in Tiraspol (Pridniestrovie Anniversary Day) part 2
Pridnestrovie country between Moldova and Ukraine 2 Sep,2020 y. – 30 years. In it day under music made 26 munited video walking in Tiraspol city. Alot of people, but tourists from other countries like EU, Azia, China, USA,Canada and Australia 0, because of worldwide quarantine. Part 3 be very soon.
Walking in Tiraspol ( Pridniestrovie Anniversary day ) part 1
Yes, yesterday i begane making video its here in the park. Everywhere millions of people, music, and of course very hot sun. Hope you like this park. Other video be in Satturday. Остальные видео будут уже в Субботу. Wish you have a Great day !
Walking in Tiraspol beach part 3
And by the way with 2014 year fsb from Moscow and other cities of Russia direct in Tiraspol city tourists, you can hear these unussual fishes in bikini.
Walking in Tiraspol beach part 2
Approx. in 10/11 PM morning made it video. A lot of people and they everywhere.
Water everywhere 2 July and covered all forest terrotory part 2
This vodeo was made in the bus, when i backed from the Cickane monastery. As you can see, water cover all forest terrotory, all in the water.hahaha.
Water removed and covered all Tiraspol beach Flood of 1 July of 2020 Part 3
After it diceded made 3 video, because its real something increddible, past time such waterfloof had been in 2008 year, then water removed yet the road in the Cickane and water had been everywhere, even in the Tiraspol city. Wish you again have a Great Day !
Water removed and covered all Tiraspol beach Flood of 1 July of 2020 Part 1
I simple was in shok, when water with 30 June till 1 Jule afwully removed all beach territory, as you see, under water shop, relax sumer center, River Savers office, even there water arrived.All under water. For me it was real shok, because i could not swim. Police save people said that dont need swim,...