Walking in Bender for 4 February where filming passing through those streets and district where I have never walked before. #bender #pridnestrovie #Walking #Bender
Tag: Walking
Happy New Year Walking in Tiraspol
Happy New Year! Walking in Tiraspol #tiraspol #pridnestrovie #Happy #Year #Walking #Tiraspol
Walking near of old Turkish fortress in Bender
Walking during 12 minutes with an interesting and an incredible view on Bender fortress, and the Dniestr river. #pridnestrovie #bender #turkish fortress #fortress #dniestr river #Walking #Turkish #fortress
Walking in Chisinau, Moldova (6 November)
This is my the most past filming in Chisinau, Moldova began in full downtown of str. Stefan Cel Mare and passed through other streets on which still haven’t been walking tours with an incredible view on the streets, shops, cafes, coffee shops, trees, university and main lake park when and finished this long filming which...
Walking in Hristovaia (29 October)
With very big pleasure and first time in life making filming in too nice and super beautiful village of Hristovaia with an incredible view on mountains, river, residential houses, from far on the church of Archangel Michael, and of course forest in mountains. Next time already in next year already walking be on 1/1:30 hour...
Walking in Archangel Michael monastery
Walking behind of temple of Archangel Michael monastery. I am swearing its 1 of the most bests places which me when for all life saw. #Walking #Archangel #Michael #monastery
Walking in Tiraspol beach and embankment with cats and ducks
This is incredible walking by Tiraspol beach and river embankment made with an incredible view on Autumn weather, and river on the beach and even cats and swimming ducks. ************************************************************* Please Like, Subscribe, and Share! Grab a cup of coffee, put on your walking shoes, and join me as we explore the sites and streets...
Summer WON’T GO! Almost+30! Wonderful walking in Tiraspol!
And again with too big please continued this stream, with walking nearly to Monastery, and passing thruogh Pridnestrovien State University, downtown, shops, coffee shops, market, Trade Centre,and the beach. On 48 munite image of Horizontal screen is again removed and become of Vertical. #Summer #WONT #Almost30 #Wonderful #walking #Tiraspol
Walking in Balca district of Tiraspol (31 August)
And again, with very great pleasure showing Balca district of Tiraspol with an incredible view on Ternopol (Sheriff) supermarket, new shops, even stages shops behind of trolleybus stage, shops, cafés, restaurants etc. ************************************************************* Please Like, Subscribe, and Share! Grab a cup of coffee, put on your walking shoes, and join me as we explore the...